At CaterSquad, we’re proud to partner with a number of national restaurant chains to provide you with reliably delicious, cost-effective catering. One such partner is Panera Bread, the chain you likely enjoy for its signature pastries, hearty sandwiches, and creative salads.
Our company offers great brand exposure! When medical or pharma reps need catering, our team makes restaurant and menu selections on their behalf, based on food quality, delivery efficiency, and previous office reviews. Catersquad sends your food to offices that didn't specifically request you-meaning your food gets in front of the eyes (and mouths) of customers who might not otherwise choose your cuisine.
If you’ve been using CaterSquad for awhile, we hope you’ve come to know and love our friendly service and attention to detail for all your catering needs. We’re proud to get you the delicious food you require for any occasion, even the largest of gatherings.
Sometimes, the right catering order means sumptuous buffets of multiple entrees, rich sides, and lavish desserts—but that’s not always the case. For certain occasions, smaller bites are just the thing. When meetings or get-togethers happen at odd times—but you still want something to nibble—it can be tricky to know what to put on the menu. Whether you’re hosting a quick mid-afternoon meeting, a light breakfast, or a consultation pre-dinner-hour, our CaterSquad reps are always available to help you make the perfect catering choice.
Unless you’re an independently wealthy solopreneur (or maybe a pirate? or a secret agent?) we’re willing to bet your industry has been impacted—and probably not for the better—by the Covid-19 pandemic. At CaterSquad, we’ve seen firsthand how the virus has affected not only the world of meal delivery, but the medical and pharmaceutical sales industry in particular.
When you’re looking to get a tasty breakfast or lunch delivered to your office or your clients, you probably turn to wise old Professor Google to do a little homework. Not surprisingly, a quick search is likely to bring up the big business in the world of online catering orders: EZCater. And sure, EZCater offers a number of services for workplace catering. But we’re here to show how CaterSquad goes above and beyond EZCater with better rewards, more flexibility, and a personal touch you won’t find elsewhere.
If you’re a pharma or medical rep, your job isn’t just about educating your clients on the products and services your company provides. It’s also about creating meaningful relationships. As a knowledgeable resource on all things related to your product, it’s important to build trust with physicians and other clients on a professional—and sometimes more personal—level.
These days, there’s one question you can always lead off with as a surefire Covid-19 conversation starter: Are you back at work? As the majority of the country has eased out of quarantine, many businesses are back to in-person employment, with certain precautions. Some, on the other hand, are continuing to operate at limited capacity, or completely from home.
As popular diets go, low-carb may be trendy, but it’s certainly not new—and we’re pretty sure it’s here for the long haul. Ever since the 1960s, when cardiologist Robert Atkins first developed the Atkins Diet, low-carb has been in vogue for weight loss. Since then, other plans have offered the low-carb format under various names, including South Beach, Dukan, Paleo, and the latest iteration to blow up in popularity: the macronutrient-bending ketogenic diet.
In the last few weeks, issues of racial injustice have been all over the news, and may be happening right in your neighborhood. The death of George Floyd is just one of many recent incidents that have issued a wake-up call to Americans on the subject of inequality.